Professional organization of events in the fields of culture, science and sports, as well as the implementation of tour projects. We can help you with organization, marketing and any kind of logistics. Existing partnerships and professional team allow to implement socially important and ambitious projects in any corner of Russia and the world. The Foundation «Russian Culture and Sport» helps to improve federal and international cooperation through culture and sport.
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Russian and foreign Theater booking On-stage performance group and Theater companies booking Celebrity booking
Scientific and industry conferences Forums Congresses Motivational tours Sporting events Exhibitions Fashion Shows Brand Launch Creating a Brand Book Marketing Corporate events
Avia and Railway logistic Buses Personal Cars
All options of worldwide accomodation:
All options of worldwide accomodation: Hotels Hostels Apartments and country houses
Operators of support service will help with the choice of hotel and booking
Professional Packing Services Delivery of goods by any kind of transport Preparation of documents required for customs clearance Customs clearance of incoming and outgoing goods for events Storage of imported goods between events
This is an important service for safe holding of mass sports events:
Organization of headquarters Employees Judicial Commission Accreditation of staff Press centre organization Hotline
Professional Packing Services Delivery of goods by any kind of transport Preparation of documents required for customs clearance Customs clearance of incoming and outgoing goods for events Storage of imported goods between events
Leisure and travel arrangements Help with everyday affairs Solving Business Problems Specialists or organizations searching
And more
Cargo insurance Health insurance, including special types of insurance Visa Support
Global Russian Theater Marathon
The Foundation «Russian Culture and Sports» is reliable operator of federal program «Global Russian Theater Marathon». It was personally supervised by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation for Culture, Sports and Tourism - Olga Golodets. The marathon started in January in Vladivostok and ended at the end of the year in Kaliningrad.
The main project as part of the «Theater Year» in Russia. The marathon was held in the form of a theater relay: regional theaters went on Russian tour and passed the baton with a special symbol to the next theater participant. In addition to performances in each region there was a photo exhibition about the history of theatres, and leading actors and directors held master classes and creative meetings.
Big Russian Theater tour
This is a federal project created at the initiative of the President of Russia – Vladimir Putin. Since 2014, the project has been implemented by the Federal Center of the Ministry of Culture.
Spectators can see the best performances of theatres from all over the country - classical performances, and premiere. «Big Russian theater tour» takes place with decorations, suits, theatre company in full composition, with participation of stars of domestic theatre. Performances are intended for big and small scenes, for adult, family and children's audiences.
The Foundation «Russian Culture and Sports» successfully performs all the tasks set in the implementation of the federal project and promises further reliable cooperation in the field of culture development of the Russian Federation.
The Euro-Asian Law Congress
The Euro-Asian Law Congress was established by the Russian Lawyers Association in 2007 as a special discussion platform where representatives of the state, business, and the public can review topical issues.
Solution of these problems should contribute to enhancing the effectiveness of the Euro-Asian cooperation. The Euro-Asian Law Congress has become one of the largest legal forums and is a significant event not only for the Russia and the Sverdlovsk region but for the world legal community.
The Foundation «Russian Culture and Sports» successfully achieved its goals and became a link in all stages of the Congress.
United Nations Summer School
Unique event of the European Court of Human Rights and the United Nations. In 2017 and 2018, the forum was held in Yekaterinburg.
The Foundation «Russian Culture and Sports» became a reliable organizer of the Forum, and successfully achieved the event's goals.
Сeremonial organization of the federal project "Big Russian Theater Tour"
For two months, theaters from five CIS republics have toured with their significant performances in the regions of the Russian Federation. The program was attended by theaters from Uzbekistan, Belarus, Turkmenistan, Moldova and Tajikistan, which visited such federal districts of the Russian Federation as: central, Ural, northwest, southern and Volga.
The foundation "Russian Culture and Sports" is pleased to act as a single technical operator in the framework of organizing a major international project.
Russian Cagefighting Championship
December 14, the final seventh international mixed martial arts tournament # RCC7 was held in Yekaterinburg, which led the fight of Russian fighter Alexander Shlemenko against David Branch. In addition, another 18 fighters from Russia, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Switzerland and Kazakhstan fought as part of the show.
The foundation "Russian Culture and Sport" was responsible for providing logistic and Travel support to the main participants of the event.
ТОП-100 Урал "Связной 365"
Организация мероприятия под названием «Связной-365» для лучших сотрудников топ-менеджмента компании «Связной».
Мероприятие федерального масштаба с участием высшего руководства акционерного общества "ТрансКонтейнер", вице-президентов РЖД, советников президента РЖД и руководства Казахстанских железных дорог.
Нами организовано: - VIP-лаунж в Кольцово для встречи гостей; - кортеж с сопровождением для первого лица; - проживание гостей; - брендирование площадки и застройка зала для совещания; - изготовление премиального раздаточного материала и эксклюзивных подарков; - организация видеосъемки и трансляции; - организация экскурсионной программы; - организация гала-ужина с участием звезд эстрады и пиротехнического шоу.
Передача горной техники KOMATSU
Мероприятие по передаче тяжелой горной техники заказчику с участием руководства компании KOMATSU (Япония).
Нами организовано: - застройка уличного павильона для презентации горной техники; - организация кейтеринга; - организация шоу-программы и видеотрансляции; - постановка программы по вручению ключей и презентации техники; - гостевой сервис.
The Foundation «Russian Culture and Sports» and the Elisa Carrillo Cabrera Foundation (Mexico) are the initiators of the inter-ethnic programmes for the cultural exchange of our countries, dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and Mexico.
First of all, the programs are aimed at organizing festivals, exhibitions, implementation of the Russian theatre program on the territory of Mexico in order to create and develop cooperation between the two countries. This initiative is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Federal Tour Support
Centre and the Ministry of Culture of Mexico. The project is brokered by Pablo Rafael De La Madrid, who chairs the Cultural Diplomacy Council of Mexico established in May 2019, and represents the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico.
Center for Organization and Realization of Sports Events
For a long time, the Foundation «Russian Culture and Sports» is the operator and reliable partner of the State Autonomous Institution of the Sverdlovsk Region "Center for the Organization and Realization of Sports Events."
Organization of competitions and sports events on the territory of the Russian Federation - the main purpose of the institution.
The work is carried out with the support of the Government of the Sverdlovsk region and the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports of the Sverdlovsk region, which ensures the effective activity of the institution. The Foundation «Russian Culture and Sports» provides logistical support and services for the accommodation of athletes during all types of competitions in the regions of the country and abroad.